Ananna Bangladeshi Girl’s Group visit the Pankhurst Centre and talk Rise, Voice, Vote

100 years since (some) women gained the right to vote in the UK, how much have women’s roles in politics in the UK and across the world changed?  Have women achieved equal rights?  What now?  These are just some of the questions we’ve been exploring with young people in Manchester as part of the #RiseVoiceVote project with @PankhurstCentre.  

We were delighted to welcome Ananna Bangladeshi Girls Group to the Pankhurst last weekend to explore these key questions and hear their views on the things that matter to them and how we can make Manchester a great place to grow up, get on and grow old.     You can hear some of their views in our video below. 

Manchester Communications Academy share their inspiring campaign ideas …

We were completely blown away by the poster designs and the depth of discussion with pupils from Manchester Communications Academy.   Pupils shared a diverse range of issues that they care about to include women’s rights, gender equality,  political representation, water as a human right, body positivity and sexual violence against women and girls.  Can’t wait to see their campaigns develop.

“We are delighted that the Pankhurst Centre’s vision of how the milestone of 2018 is marked will be supported by the Government’s Centenary Cities programme. Women’s roles in history have been underrepresented, and 2018 is giving us the opportunity to help us address this.”

Gail Heath, Chief Executive for the Pankhurst Trust

“It’s fantastic that the Pankhurst Centre and Our Emmeline statue have received government support. For the Pankhurst Centre this means that the house where the suffragette movement started will feature as a central part of the plans to mark the Representation of the People Act (1918)”

Dr Helen Pankhurst – Great-Granddaughter of Emmeline Pankhurst, Patron of the Pankhurst Trust and the Emmeline Pankhurst Statue Campaign.