Ambassador Training Session #1 HerArchivist

We had a great turn out on Saturday for our first archive training session for our Centenary City Ambassadors. HerArchivist Heather Roberts led a fascinating archiving workshop which explored what archives are, how archive decisions are made, and what stories they usually tell. Heather led us through a series of fun exercises which got us thinking about which ‘bits’ we should include in our archive of this centenary year, and how we might best protect and store these items.    

The workshop was based on material from the Pankhurst Centre archive. Ambassadors were able to get their hands on photos from the redevelopment of the Centre in the 1980s, and from the building in use in the 1990s, as well as posters produced by the Pankhurst Press and newsletter produced for the Friends of the Pankhurst. The start of our Centenary City archive was also available on the day to give Ambassadors an idea of what we’re working towards.

All-in-all a very useful and fun-filled afternoon. Thank you so much for those who came along, and to Heather!

Heather’s fantastic archive toolkit which was the basis of this session and includes all the information you need to create your own archive, is available for FREE here

We’ll be running another archiving session soon, so watch this space!

We’re still looking for more women to take part in the Centenary City Ambassador programme, so do get in touch if you’re interested in helping us to generate an archive of Manchester’s Vote100 events.

More information about being a Centenary City Ambassador is available in the following resource pack:

Some Women Centenary City Ambassador Information Pack


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