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Celebrating 100 Years of OUR Suffragette City and #MisogynylSHate Campaign

July 18, 2018 @ 11:30 am

On the 18th July women from across Greater Manchester are uniting to celebrate 100 years of women’s suffrage, in the City whose heart is encapsulated by it’s ongoing strive for civil freedom and equality. Join us for a day of celebration, in which we revel in the achievements of our past but acknowledge the challenges for our future. Following on from the incredible work of Nottingham Citizens, we are about to set the next benchmark for women’s rights by launching #MisogynyISHate: Our campaign to demand that Greater Manchester Police recognise acts of misogyny as Hate Crime.

Whilst women today are increasingly powerful, empowered and heard, we still fear for our safety on the streets and at home and feel anger towards the injustice embedded within cultural, societal and institutional misogyny. We still face sexual violence and intimidation, we still discuss the merits of equal pay, we are often ridiculed for our decision to say no but shamed for our decision to say yes. We stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow sisters, whose skin colour and sexual orientation has finally been acknowledged as obsolete but whose gender is silently open to discrimination. We are scrutinised for and controlled by what we wear, Muslim women are targetted for wearing or not wearing the Hijab, we are valued by our physical appearance and we are harassed, shouted at and followed home just by nature of who we are.

It is time to teach a future generation that these injustices are not okay, and it is time to show Greater Manchester Police that our community recognises #MisogynyISHate.

The day will involve performances by students at Levenshulme High School for Girls, talks from leading members of our campaign and addresses from official members of our community. Anyone from our Greater Manchester community is welcome and encouraged to attend! Together let’s celebrate the amazing achievements and contributions women have made to make Manchester a wonderful place to live, and leave a lasting legacy for years to come.

Please arrive in good time to ensure that everyone can be registered as our event is taking place in a school.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Greater Manchester Citizens